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Buddhism Myth #6: 

Human beings have lived past lives.


Belief in reincarnation has been with us since the earliest days of human life. Buddhists have held to the belief for many centuries.  According to the doctrine of reincarnation the soul has successive bodies of flesh and, therefore, many lives upon the earth. Through these many lives, the individual soul is able to evolve. What a person does not work out or achieve in one lifetime, he completes in the next.

Assuming this is the case, the theory of reincarnation purports to answer questions such as the following: Why is one person so well placed in life, given every advantage that money and culture can confer, while another person is born into very difficult circumstances, where it seems impossible to make any advance in life?  Why is one child born a cripple, or born blind, while another child arrives in this world with a healthy body? Why does one child live to a ripe old age, while another child dies after only a few days or years? Men and women are not born free and equal but start this life like horses in a handicap race, no one two bearing an equal burden.

How can this be, the reincarnationist is likely to ask, if indeed God is loving, just, and all-powerful? The reincarnationist answer is that we are reaping today, for good or evil, the results of the seeds we have sown during the course of many previous lives. Many times we have been a man, and many times a woman. Some of those at the bottom of the social ladder today have walked the earth as kings, presidents, generals, admirals and high priests; and some who now sit in the seats of the mighty have toiled as simple peasants in days gone by, pulled at the oar of a galley, or worn the chains of a slave.

Human beings were not designed to take a physical form again and again, however imperfect one is at the end of his life on earth.  Assuming one can progress only on earth, the doctrine of reincarnation ignores God's design for the blessed eternal spiritual afterlife in Heaven, in which there are innumerable spheres and regions for man's evolution and where he has great opportunities for improvement.

Many people turn to God and for the first time find inner joy and high purpose in life after a serious illness or accident. Why? Because an easy life and luxurious environment are often hindrances to one's spiritual growth.

Regardless of such argumentation, there are nevertheless many cases cited of people who, while reading ancient history or tales of other lands and times, "remember" the events about which they are reading.  This occurs when
cooperating spirits strengthen the mental images invariably created while reading.

Swedenborg, the great psychic and revelator of the seventeenth century, once explained that if a spirit were to speak from his own memory with a man, the man would not know otherwise than that the thoughts then in his mind were his own, although they were in fact the spirit's thoughts. Thus, startling ideas and thoughts can be influxes from the memories of cooperating spirits.

Finally, if reincarnation had been a fact throughout the ages, should we not find evidence of it in a goodly portion of perfected souls among us? Surely by this time we should see many mature and advanced spirits among the wealthy, the beautiful, and the powerful on earth.  But is this true? On the contrary, in many instances such people are just as immature and imperfect as the rest of mankind, if not more so!

A spirit person can reach maturity only in conjunction with physical body. Because of this principle, discarnate spirits are destined to return to contact earthly people in order to advance to the state of completion.  Discarnate beings do come back as spirit persons to be invisible teachers, to guide and help humanity. They more they serve others, the
more they progress.  This is especially so at this time. By serving and cooperating with those who work for the Lord of the Second Advent, those in spirit world can advance more rapidly than at any other time in history.

Sometimes a spirit man influences an individual so much that he even behaves like that spirit manlike Buddha or Confucius, for example. People may think that the individual is the reincarnation of Buddha, but actually it is only the spirit of Buddha assisting him. In order to further develop man's spiritual progress, God hand-picked numerous prophets to extend the highway. That is how God has made spiritual progress possible for all mankind.

Spirit men from all the realms of the spirit world will come down to earth to assist and inspire individuals here to follow God's central person and thus be able to benefit from his spiritual accomplishment. By assisting in that way spirit men can reap the same benefit. The key to man's situation is here on earth; whatever we loose here on earth shall be loosed in heaven. In spirit world there is no solution; spirit men have to work through this physical world to receive salvation.

At the time of the Second Advent all spirit men must manifest themselves once again here on earth and assist people with the same level of life as they have. By helping people on earth to progress to a higher level they too can reap the same result.  Buddha cannot become another Buddha here on earth, but Buddha can appear in spirit and assist people of the same spiritual level. Some people mistake this phenomenon for reincarnation, but reincarnation itself is not possible.



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