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Origin of Evil Myth #10: 

Thanks to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, Christians are exempt from the forces of evil.


Did Jesus' crucifixion, which brought us redemption from our sins, fulfill the purpose of the providence of restoration? If so, we would expect that faithful believers in Jesus would have restored their original nature and built the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Yet in the entire history of Christianity, there has been no one, no matter how devout, who lived his life in inseparable oneness with God.  Not one person has ever experienced God's Heart in its full intensity or possessed a divine nature.  There has never been a believer who had no need of redemption or a life of ardent prayer and devotion.  Even St. Paul, a great man of God, could not dispense with a life of faith and tearful prayer.5(Rom. 7:18-25)RS|KJ|NI  Moreover, no Christian parent, no matter how devout, has ever given birth to a child without the original sin, who could enter God's Kingdom without the grace of redemption by the Savior. Christian parents continue to transmit the original sin to their children.

What can be learned from this stark review of the Christian life?  It teaches us that the grace of redemption by the cross has neither fully uprooted our original sin nor perfectly restored our original nature.  Jesus, knowing that the redemption by the cross would not completely fulfill the purpose for which he came, promised he would come again. He understood that God's Will to restore the Kingdom of Heaven on earth is absolute and unchangeable.  Thus, Jesus hoped to return and accomplish the Will of God completely.

Christians have been engrafted with Jesus only spiritually. This is why the children of even the most devout Christian parents still inherit sin, which must be redeemed. Even the most faithful saints have not been rid of the original sin, and thus cannot help but transmit it to their children.  For this reason, Christ must come again on earth as the tree of life. By engrafting all humankind with himself once more, he is to redeem their original sin. Christians thus impatiently await the tree of life, which in the Book of Revelation symbolizes Christ at his Second Coming.11(Rev. 22:14)RS|KJ|NI

The purpose of God's providence of salvation is to restore the failure to attain the tree of life in the Garden of Eden by realizing the tree of life mentioned in the Book of Revelation. Due to the Fall, Adam could not fulfill the ideal of the first tree of life.(Gen. 2:9)RS|KJ|NI In order to complete the salvation of fallen humanity, Christ, the "last Adam,"(I Cor. 15:45)RS|KJ|NI must come again as the tree of life in the Last Days.



Excerpt from:

Exposition of the Divine Principle

The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity

4 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036

Copyright © H.S.A.-U.W.C., 1996

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