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Nationalism Myth #1: 

Like patriotism, nationalism brings out the best qualities of a nation.


Patriotism stems from the desire to express pride in highest ideals of truth, beauty and goodness which are embody the national life of a nation.  Patriotism at its best is an expression of devotion and loyalty to all that is good, just, and decent about a country.  When the citizens of a nation have a tradition of loving and honoring God and the role of morality and spirituality in society, there is no limit to their inner sense of pride toward their country.  This kind of pride comes from God.

Unlike patriotism, nationalism, is easily subject to the pitfalls of human selfishness.  This happens because people forget or are ignorant of the fact that as children of God, all humanity is meant to be one world family under God.  Selfishness on the individual level is the tendency to always put one's own interests ahead of others.  This is seen on the family level whenever a family is concerned only about the welfare of each other while ignoring the needs of other families who may be less fortunate. 

Nationalism is the ideology of always putting one's nation first, often at the expense of other nations.  This is most obvious when seen in its extreme forms such as ethnic cleansing, slavery and colonialism.  All too often, powerful wealthy nations take advantage of poorer developing nations.  This is done through exploiting labor when basic human rights are ignored, by stripping natural resources from a country without any concern for the environment or the fair market value of the raw materials and by collaborating with corrupt governments which brazenly pillage and steal from their own countrymen.  In today's world multi-national corporations are often instruments of institutionalized nationalism being primarily concerned for providing ever-increasing value to their stockholders at the expense of other nations.  This gives capitalism a very bad name leading to anti-capitalism protests and often violent demonstrations at world trade conferences.

It is not necessary to be a wealthy and powerful nation to carry out nationalistic policies and practices.  Governments and corporations of every stripe engage in nationalistic practices in the name of patriotism.  National media and political parties manipulate patriotic good will to forward self-centered agendas for personal gain.  Nationalism is best overcome by the practice of loving one's neighbor and through loving one's enemy.  This is done by be willing to serve others and treat others as you would wish to be treated.  This is essentially the golden rule taught by Jesus Christ. 

Because so many Christian industrialized nations used their position of having received favor from God to subjugate other nations, it is high time that Christian nations practice what they preach by sharing their resources and technological know-how with developing nations and stop the practice of exploiting the weak in the name of increasing the growth-rate of corporate profits. 

If wealthy first-world nations do not transcend their insatiable desire for greed and power there will be a high price to pay when God allows those who have been exploited to seek justice.  When God allows for social justice no amount of personal fortune will be able to prevent it from taking place whether it be in this generation or in the generation of our descendants. 



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