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Moral Relativism Myth #8: 

Casual sex does not contribute to the destruction of the family and society.


The family is the building block of the community, society, nation and world.  The purpose of each and every human being's life is to experience the happiness, joy and true love which is possible when God dwells at the center of an ideal family.  The best possible conditions to create an ideal family occur when a man and woman who each share a devotion to God being pure in heart are blessed in holy matrimony having never compromised their innocence with casual sex.  While in today's society, such a high standard of love is exceptional, all young people should be raised to strive to maintain their purity through practicing abstinence until marriage.

People fail to realize that human sexuality is something akin to nuclear technology.  When used properly, extraordinary possibilities come to life and when used improperly, it can bring devastation, suffering, and despair beyond our imagination.  Like nuclear technology, sexual intercourse is meant for responsible, mature individuals who are capable of being accountable for its lasting consequences.   Such conscientious people strive to reach an awareness of how sexuality can best bring about true lasting happiness while contributing to the greater good of society centering on the will of God.

As a species, human beings desperately need to elevate their awareness about the true potential and purpose of their sexuality.  There are at least four essential components to sexuality which every person should be fully aware of before they contemplate having sexual intercourse.  These four essential components of human sexuality are eternal love, harmonized oneness, reproduction, and pleasure.

As beings fashioned in the image and likeness of God, the spirit of every human is created to live on for eternity.  Our physical experience on earth represents a once-in-eternity opportunity to discover and practice unselfish true love through establishing an ideal family.  When our physical life comes to an end, the only treasure which we will take with us into the hereafter will be our ability to practice unconditional true love within the sphere of a God-centered family.  Unconditional true love is characterized by loving one's enemy and living for the sake of others.  Therefore the first essential element necessary as a precondition for sexual intercourse is the mutual commitment of husband and wife to embody God's true love for each other for eternity.

With the realization that God is a being of harmonized masculinity and femininity, marriage between a man and a woman signifies the union of God's most essential characteristics in human form.  Thus, sexual intercourse between husband and wife literally becomes a bonding process where invisible elements are mutually exchanged allowing two separate beings to become one.  This process of eternal bonding and union is spiritual in nature and thus cannot be observed with physical eyes.  However, what can be observed by everyone is the harmonized oneness of a husband and wife who after years together no longer see themselves as separate individuals.  Sexual intercourse is essential to creating the spiritual bond which eternally unites husband and wife.  If the sacred intimacy of  the true love of husband and wife is compromised sexually and becomes divided, the consequences are usually grave resulting in painful separation and the long-lasting devastation of family breakdown. In like manner, one can imagine the spiritual chaos and confusion that results when sex is misused through the exchange of eternal spiritual elements between individuals who only intend to be together on a temporary basis.

It goes without saying that sexual intercourse is the means by which human beings reproduce.  Sadly, however, many people never fully appreciate the incredible miracle of human reproduction.  This is evidenced by a culture of death which allows a mother to abort a fetus simply to avoid hardship or inconvenience.  Spiritually-minded people often stand in awe when they find themselves contemplating the awesome creative power and genius of God who is the source of human life.  What human beings fail to realize is that God only created one pair of human beings on his own.  All other human life has come into being as the result of co-creation between God and the union of man and woman.   At the time of conception, man and woman provide the God-given genetic material infused with their mutual love conception while God breathes spirit into each new life that comes into this world.  In a God-centered marriage, God literally participates with husband and wife during the process of conception.

Without any doubt, from the very beginning sexual intercourse was intended to be a wonderfully pleasurable experience to be shared as a sacred experience within the bonds of holy matrimony.  Through the pleasure of making love, a husband and wife centered on God's love are able to build an realm of intimacy, mutual respect and caring for one another which is a refuge where God wants to dwell.  By making lovemaking an unforgettably pleasurable experience, God provided a built-in guarantee that human reproduction would provide the ongoing multiplication of His children and the expansion of His family for all eternity.

It brings God immeasurable pain and sadness to witness how human sexuality has become degraded by a culture of promiscuity which seeks instant gratification without any awareness of the sacred nature and purpose which gives sexual intercourse its eternal significance.  The vulgarity of the degraded state of human sexuality is seen in how the innocence of children has been violated by parents, siblings, and even by men of cloth.  Without a doubt, casual sex and the licentious culture which promotes promiscuity is robbing our young people of their moral purity and destroying our families which are the fabric of our society, nation and world.  The only hope for building a society, nation, and world of goodness, true love, mutual prosperity and common cause is to restore the sacred value and proper practice of human sexuality within the bonds of God-centered eternal families.




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